Quality translations
ROKA Translations can provide high quality translations from a top-tier law firm trained lawyer, at a highly competitive rate.
ROKA Translations can provide the trained eye of a totally bi-lingual legal professional to go over and above a standard proofread.
Since 1993
ROKA-Translations is Robina Kaye, a British national, French qualified avocat who lived and worked in France for 17 years both in leading international law firms and more recently as General Counsel of a junior mining company with projects in Francophone Africa, where she acquired extensive knowledge not only of legal concepts and drafting techniques, but also cultural differences and business focussed requirements.
Her years of experience have given her a strong understanding of the specific needs and constraints of all her clients, law firms, banks and sponsors alike, and allow her to offer services her clients know they can rely on, whether as regards deadlines, quality or confidentiality.